Enjoy yourself as you learn how to swim with Volker Baars!
Swimming is supposed to be fun. Designed with this reality in mind, Volkers ten step educational film focuses on allaying fears in learners and turning them into calmer and safer swimmers. Besides the reduction of fear, the swimming DVD prioritizes the promotion of mental health and physical fitness. As you learn how to swim, it is important to understand the situations that bring about fear and how you can overcome them using this educational film.
Volker Baars' educational film guarantees easy learning
Fear is the greatest deterrent towards any successful learning experience. This is also the case with swimming. Many adult non-swimmers were involved in a near-drowning experience as a child and never attempted to learn how to swim as a result. Some learners might find it difficult and exhausting to keep their heads above the water for certain periods of time. With Volker Baars ten step educational film, you can learn how to swim at home, applying the techniques at the edge of the swimming pool afterwards this will help you allay your fears. The ten steps comprise of simple exercises, which are easy to understand. These exercises will ensure that your learning ventures are enjoyable by making you feel at ease when you are in and under the water. In order to maximize your experience, Volker Baars recommends that you practice each individual step to perfection at home. In order to give you courage as you learn how to swim, the video features footage of non-swimmers who learned the skill in a matter of hours during the filming. You also get to see Volker Baars practice his ten step method with adult non-swimmers.
Educational films have been used widely and successfully
The use of educational films as a medium of instruction has proven to be a success with children as well as adults in many other areas. The use of videos in the classroom, for example, has been instrumental in helping to introduce new concepts to students. In instances where educational films are used to teach a foreign language, learners improve their listening skills tremendously. Educational films have also enhanced teaching and learning by helping children understand science and nature more easily. Visual learning has been known to turn children and adults into problem-solving, critical thinkers. Volker Baars is convinced of the success of his method and offers you a money-back guarantee of 100 days in case you are not satisfied with your progress. Moreover, there is the option of personal coaching via phone if you have any questions about the films content.
Benefits as you learn how to swim with Volker Baars educational film
If you learn how to swim, the quality of your life will get a boost. As you practice swimming, you will build strength and tone your muscles. Moreover, those that learn to swim can be better role models to their children. When the youngsters attain swimming age, parents who have already learned how to swim can guide them through the ten steps whenever they visit the pool. The educational film can help adults overcome the feeling of insecurity that bars them from going on a cruise. Boost your confidence and conquer your fears today!
I wish you plenty of success learning how to swim with my 10-step method and that you will quickly go from nonswimmer to swimmer!
Best regards
Your Volker Baars
Learn-To-Swim picture-method by degreed sports teacher Volker Baars: Freddy the duck presentation-board-set
Do you give swimming lessons?
Do you want the children to learn swimming in a faster and easier way?
Do you want to simplify your job tremendously?
Children learn easiest by imitation.
On these presentation boards Freddy the duck shows different exercises. You can print and laminate these pictures and set them up at the pool edge.
Step by step you may insert one image after the other. First one picture, then number 1 and 2, then 1,2 and 3 and so on.
With this method children can further develop their abilities, beginning from the easiest exercises (starting at no.1) up to the more difficult ones (ending at no.10).
Kids benefit from it, because they love to imitate the exercises. The pictures show exactly what you have to do in order to learn swimming.
Therefore, you as the coach have to explain less.
The noise level will be reduced considerably.
The exercising rate will be increased significantly.
Freddy the duck is fun!
With the picture method everything happens directly at the edge of the pool which makes it one of the easiest ways to learn swimming.
However, ALWAYS be very attentive, since children may let go of the edge of the pool out of carelessness.
At the pool edge kids barely show fear. That way, with the help of Freddy the duck, they can practise the basics for swimming in the most easy and fast way.
|  No.1 - Blowing duck
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 No.2 - Paddeling duck
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 No.3 - Diving duck
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|  No.4 - Bicycling duck
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 No.5 - Frog-legged duck
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 No.6 - Spinner duck
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|  No.7 - Nonsense duck
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 No.8 - Swimming duck 1
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 No.9 - Swimming duck 2
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No.1: blowing duck
Freddy the duck is blowing into the water making a really loud noise. Thereby the lips are pressed together so that no water can get into the mouth and so that you can build up enough pressure to not get water up your nose.
No.2: paddeling duck
Freddy the duck is splashing its feet loudly onto the water surface. The shoulders have to be under water.
No.3: diving duck
Before the duck can dive it takes a very deap breath. Not till then Freddy can dive. Whoever wants to hold ones nose can do so. At first the eyes can stay shut. After an appropriate familiarization it will work with the eyes open as well.
No.4: bicycling duck
Right when the one hand is pushing down on the water strongly, the other hand can move further down on the pool edge. This is only possible, when the shoulders are really under water and the palm of the hand is pushing down very far.
No.5: frog-legged duck
Freddy the duck is moving its toes vertically upwards along the side of the pool and is then opening its legs to trace a big circle until the legs are closed and Freddy starts all over again.
No.6: spinner-duck
The palm of the hand is pushing the water away doing a big semi circle motion, so that Freddy the duck can perform half a turn at the edge of the pool. The position of the hand is diagonal, just like the wing of a plane to the wind. The arms have to stay elongated so that you can clearly feel the pressure of the palms. The fingers should be spread widely just like the wings of a bat. That allows a child to use the highest possible pressure and strain.
No.7: nonsense duck
Before the nonsense duck can float, it is necessary to take a very deap breath, hold your breath and push your hair completely under water. To make the nonsense duck work, make sure, that every child can open their eyes under water.
No.8: swimming duck under water with holding on
Take a deap breath, push your head completely under water and start doing wide, strong swimming motions. It only works when hair and shoulders are under water. Are the eyes really open? Frog legs are requested.
No.9: swimming duck under water without holding on to the pool edge
This exercise only works for children who manage No.8 very well and move forward quickly. Please only introduce No.9 when No.8 works perfectly! It is necessary to remind the kids that they have tob e able to keep their eyes open under water so that they can see the side of the pool and not move too far away from it in case they need air during their first couple of tries.
Not till the kids can swim about 5 meters quickly under water, which means a good, fast forward movement by arms and legs is given, is swimming above the water possible. The picture on which the duck is swimming above water is not available in the learn-to-swim picture set for a reason. The children should not experience failure. They will automatically swim above water once these 10 steps have really become second nature.
You can see all the practise steps in the educational film "learn-to-swim for children".
Please respect that the images are protected by copyright and may not be passed on to a third party.
We wish you lots of fun and success with my picture method.
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